10 Day Devotional

Sometimes we just need to be encouraged in the Lord. We need a gentle yet powerful reminder of who we are in light of who He is! These truths empower us to believe that we are able to do and get through all things with Christ. If you are looking for a short but impactful devotional that will affirm your identity and encourage your soul, search no further!

Forgiveness Worksheet

How do you forgive someone who isn’t sorry? Forgiveness is one of the most complex journeys to navigate through with God. While the end result leads to wholeness and Christlikness, the journey to it can be full of twists and loops. This forgiveness worksheet will help you to identify key biblical steps to assist you on your way to forgiving a debt.

How To Hear God When In Pain

The weight of our pain can sometimes be so overwhelming that it makes it very hard for us to hear from God. It’s almost like His voice is muffled, which makes our pain even more intense. This guide will provide you with three critical steps necessary to hear His voice more clearer.